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Monthly Learning Meeting (Lunch): Skin in the Game - Developing Accountability for Learning

  • Wed, July 17, 2013
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Hilton San Antonio Airport (410 between San Pedro and Blanco)


Registration is closed

Monthly Learning Meeting

Skin in the Game - Developing Accountability for Learning

  • Do managers resist sending people to training because they are “too busy?”
  • Are participants in your training classes just “checking a box” when they attend?
  • Is your training department expected to “fix” performance problems with training classes?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you should attend, “Skin in the Game.”

“Skin in the Game” will help you to get participants, managers and executives invested in training. It will help you to create ownership of training results that goes beyond the training organization.

This learning session will focus on three transformative principles: Requirement, Effort and Demonstration. These “Skin in the Game” principles will change your organization into one in which training is seen as essential to performance management and a valued component in the continuum of a high performing organization.

Linda M. Farley is speaker, writer, and trainer. Linda began her first business at age 11 and continued an entrepreneurial focus throughout her life. A few years later, she began a 25-year career with AT&T, which included managing multi-state operations with revenues exceeding $16M.

As the owner of Farley Training she writes and facilitates training for a variety of industries. She wrote the small business education curriculum for the South Texas Women’s Business Center and was requested to train the trainers for the U.S. Air Force Personnel Center at Randolph Air Force Base. She specializes in writing, training and coaching management and supervisory skills as well as training for trainers.

Linda was the 2002 President of the San Antonio Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development and is a Board Member of Network Power Texas. She is also a Senior Instructor for San Antonio College.

For a hobby, she occasionally does chain saw art.


This monthly learning meeting will be held at the Hilton San Antonio Airport, located on the Northwest 410 Loop Frontage Road between San Pedro and Blanco.

Our topics are very popular, and we have been close to seating capacity at several of our events recently. We know your time and participation is valuable. SAASTD needs your help to serve you better.

Please help us guarantee your seat by registering for each SAASTD event you plan to attend. Event Registration helps us plan for each event by minimizing walk-in's and starting the program on-time. It also prepares the host venue so they can provide adequate seating and serve meals on-time at each event. Early bird registration ends at midnight, 11 July.

Thank you for your understanding.

Association for Talent Development - San Antonio Chapter

PO Box 690327, San Antonio, TX 78269

ATD-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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