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The San Antonio Chapter of the Association for Talent Development (ATD) is a dynamic local resource available to help you in your training efforts. ATD provides a myriad of opportunities to learn about cutting edge techniques, the newest training resources, and the best way to improve your expertise.

Each meeting features a dynamic speaker presenting information of importance to anyone in the training field. Past programs have featured subjects such as improving communication skills, neurolinguistic programming, group consensus techniques, and the latest research on how the brain learns. Additionally, our eLearning focuses on tools of the trade, process improvement and instructional design.

Workshops and professional development seminars are regular ATD-SA offerings. Led by professionals in each field, these meetings bring the best of the training industry to San Antonio.

Networking with others in the training field is an important benefit of ATD-SA. Get to know others who share your training interests, share ideas, and create a business referral system.

Whether you are a corporate trainer, training manager, or independent consultant, ATD-SA offers workplace learning and performance professionals the educational, informational, and networking support you need to take you to the next level in your field.

Association for Talent Development - San Antonio Chapter

PO Box 690327, San Antonio, TX 78269

ATD-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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