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eLearning Lunch & Learn: Using Google+ and Hangout

  • Wed, December 11, 2013
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • County Line Bar-B-Q, 10101 IH 10 West, San Antonio, TX 78230
  • 26


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eLearning Lunch & Learn

Using Google+ and Hangout in Education and Training

Over the years, Google has introduce a large set of tools which have been widely adopted in the education community, but slightly less so in the training community. Many of us have used Google docs, drive, blogger, etc in our collaborative efforts. More recently, however, Google released two tools which are gaining more traction. Google+ allows us to create a segmented communities for social and professional interactions. Google Hangout is a web-based video-conferencing technology analogous to Skype.

Salim R. Rezaie has used Google+ in his education role at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio (UTHSCSA). He’ll discuss it and how it compares to other social media tools, such as Facebook and Twitter. Donald Hawkins will then demonstrate Google Hangout for us.

Salim R. Rezaie, MD works at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio (UTHSCSA). He is an Assistant Program Director of Emergency Medicine, a Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine.

Don Hawkins, an instructional technology kind of guy at the Education Service Center Region 20 (ESC-20), has given several ELL presentations in the past.

Join us to learn more about Google+ and Google Hangout and to share your experiences in using these tools. Please visit www.saastd.org to register.

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Association for Talent Development - San Antonio Chapter

PO Box 690327, San Antonio, TX 78269

ATD-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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