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2013 Employee Learning Week

  • Wed, December 04, 2013
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (CST)
  • University of Phoenix (8200 IH 10, Suite 100, San Antonio, TX 78230)
  • 20


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Registration Closed. To be added to the waiting list, please email technology@saastd.org.

For Employee Learning Week, Rick Lozano presents the concept of the “set list” and will reveal ways that learning facilitators - much like musicians - can create a full set list of activities and engagement techniques that work, no matter how tough your crowd.

A note from Rick!

Sweet Caroline! A Super Set List for Sensational Learning Sessions! is a session I created and presented at the American Society of Training and Development’s (ASTD) International Conference.

It is all about creating rocking engagement in learning! I have put together a great session that you won’t want to miss, absolutely different from everything else out there! If you think you won’t learn at a session with a beach ball and guitar, given by a man who owns a chicken suit and an Elvis costume – think again!

You will walk away from this session with...

  • Innovative ideas and tools to create engaged learning that rocks!
  • A new perspective on ways to use free technology to overcome cognitive and motivational hurdles.
  • Some great takeaway items – seriously, I have some cool stuff to give you.
  • Improved posture and overall better complexion!

Ok...the last thing was a stretch, I can’t really promise that, but you will be smiling and laughing, maybe even singing so I guess that could improve your posture and complexion! (not saying you need improvement in that area I just…um…I’m going to shut up now)

More about Rick:

Rick Lozano has developed a reputation...and it turns out it is quite different from the one his mother thought he'd have! After more than 12 years of experience as a Learning and Development professional, Rick has found a way to combine his talents as a facilitator extraordinaire, speaker, performer, and musician to create an environment that is the definition of fun, engaged learning. From functional training to leadership development, speaking to a room of hundreds or presenting virtually, he has developed a unique delivery method that makes even the most mentally tedious training an event where participants are on their feet (literally) laughing while they learn.

Rick now works at one of the coolest companies in the world, Rackspace Hosting in San Antonio, and whether it is during office hours or at night gigging around town, he continues to earn a reputation that will (mostly) make his mother proud!

Lunch will be provided at no cost to attendees.

You must register for the event if you wish to attend. Walk-ins will NOT be accepted.

Association for Talent Development - San Antonio Chapter

PO Box 690327, San Antonio, TX 78269

ATD-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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