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ADDIE & The Military

  • Wed, February 08, 2023
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Virtual
  • 31


  • Free to members

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ADDIE & The Military

Creating Technical Curriculum in the Department of Defense

Join our session and learn about the training methods the Department of Defense uses and how training is conducted. The ADDIE concept is the primary method of designing training. With the unique mission surrounding the organization, it is essential to understand how the learning and development process differs from the civilian variant. Additionally, the threats to America's security grow in strength routinely.

The leaders within the Department of Defense must continue to hone their skills and create innovative ideas to ensure our nation's swords and shield are ready for the looming threat.

The session is focused on impacting Organizational Capability by enhancing Instructional design.

About the Speakers:

AlQuincy is an Instructional Systems Designer for the Tyonek contracting company working within the Air Combatant Command in the United States Air Force. He has worked within the Department of defense for 10 years as a learning and development professional. During his time with the organization, he has yielded significant results for organizational development through continuous process improvement and developed and facilitated training courses on many topics.

Additionally, AlQuincy works as an instructor at the University for The People, instructing business courses to students worldwide. Through his career endeavors, AlQuincy has gained a diverse skillset that has enable him to develop course content and satisfy the desires of his organization and customer base.

Association for Talent Development - San Antonio Chapter

PO Box 690327, San Antonio, TX 78269

ATD-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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