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Add Muscle to Your Post-Training Evaluations with Predictive Questions

  • Wed, July 27, 2022
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Virtual
  • 23


  • Free to members

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Add Muscle to Your Post-Training Evaluations with Predictive Questions

Have you ever wondered if conducting Level 1 evaluations are worth the effort? Or if you should stop using them altogether? If you’ve had these thoughts, you’re not alone. According to a 2019 Association for Talent Development (ATD) research study, 83% of organizations evaluate some learning programs at Level 1. Yet, only 35% view the data they collect as having either high or very high value.

So, is there something you can do to start getting more valuable results from your Level 1 evaluations? The answer is a resounding "Yes!" Start by including predictive questions in your Level 1s. Predictive questions forecast the results a learning program is likely to achieve. They also begin to answer the question business executives and L&D professionals both want to be answered: "Is this program delivering value?" These predictions aren't proof that specific program outcomes are inevitable but rather a forecast that certain results are likely.

In this highly informative, thought-provoking session, participants will learn how to create three predictive measures: a Level 2 learning gain score predictive metric, a Level 3 training transfer predictive metric, and a Level 4 business results predictive metric.

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Use facts from a recent research study to benchmark the use of Level 1 evaluations in an organization.
  • Create predictive questions that forecast participant learning, the likely transfer of participant learning back on the job, and the likely improvement of business results if participants apply what they learned.
  • Calculate a learning gain score predictive metric, a training transfer likelihood score predictive metric, and an improved business results likelihood predictive metric.

About the Speaker:


Ken Phillips is the founder and CEO of Phillips Associates and the creator and chief architect of the Predictive Learning Analytics™ (PLA) learning evaluation methodology. He has over 30 years of experience designing learning instruments and assessments. He also has had more than a dozen of them published.

He regularly speaks to Association for Talent Development (ATD) groups, university classes, and corporate learning and development groups. Since 2008, he has spoken at the ATD International Conference on the measurement and evaluation of learning topics. Since 2013, he has also presented at the annual Training Conference and Expo on similar issues.

Before pursuing a Ph.D. in organizational behavior and educational administration at Northwestern University, Ken held management positions with two colleges and two national corporations. In addition, he has written articles for TD magazine, Training Industry Magazine, and Training Today magazine. He also is a contributing author to five books in the L&D field and the author of the recently published ATD TD at Work publication titled Evaluating Learning with Predictive Learning Analytics.

As a pilot pioneer, Ken earned the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP®) (now CPTD®) credential from ATD in 2006 and has recertified five times, most recently in 2021.

Association for Talent Development - San Antonio Chapter

PO Box 690327, San Antonio, TX 78269

ATD-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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