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Monthly Learning Meeting (Dinner)

  • Wed, May 16, 2012
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Doubletree Hotel (410 and McCullough)


Registration is closed

Monthly Learning Meeting

Ever wonder how your colleagues in other organizations address the types of issues you face in your own organization? What’s on your best practice wish list? Don’t miss the first annual SAASTD Speed Learning and Networking Event and learn firsthand how workplace learning and performance professionals like you work through problems similar to your own! This unique event lets you discuss your challenges and gain new perspectives from your peers in multiple best-in-class organizations. You’ll learn which solutions have been successful, and discover how you can apply them to your own organization’s daily excellence and continuous improvement.
Here is the best part – you get to recommend the topics for discussion. Do you have a current work related topic that you would like to discuss with other workplace learning and performance professionals? Submit your suggested topic to president@saastd.org on or before May 10, 2012 with a brief explanation about why you feel your submission should be considered.
Topic Examples:

  • Workplace Learning Professional seeking answers on how to launch internal mentoring program
  • Director of Training seeks the ultimate LMS solution
  • Training Manager desires the answers to leadership development woes

When you come to the SAASTD Speed Learning and Networking Event, the quality of the session is only half the value. The other half will come from learning from other professionals and connectiing with peers whom you can turn to all year round.

Our topics are very popular, and we have been close to seating capacity at several of our events recently. We know your your time and participation is valuble. SAASTD needs your help to serve you better.

Please help us guarantee your seat by registering for each SAASTD event you plan to attend. Event Registration helps us plan for each event by minimizing walk-in's and starting the program on-time. It also prepares the host venue so they can provide adequate seating and serve meals on-time at each event.

Thank you for your understanding.

Association for Talent Development - San Antonio Chapter

PO Box 690327, San Antonio, TX 78269

ATD-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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