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Monthly Learning Meeting (Dinner)

  • Wed, April 18, 2012
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Doubletree Hotel (410 and McCullough)


Registration is closed

Do Generational Differences Matter in Training Knowledge Workers?

Presentation by Henry F. Garcia

Henry GarciaIn today’s public or private sector organizations, four different and perhaps disparate generations — Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials — occupy the typical workplace. Notwithstanding the widespread stereotypical view of each age group, all four generations are composed of adult learners, and their training may be considered a form of continuous learning. After identifying the disposition and needs of each generation of adult learners, training professionals can design the most plausible and pragmatic training approaches and learning environments, consistent with the corresponding generational characteristics, to determine and optimize the most robust instructional design and delivery technology for each generation and/or a reasoned mix of specific generations. Developing and executing training strategies for the adult learner, necessarily is an exercise in understanding generational differences within the context of each organization’s cultural and operational environment. This presentation will focus on “knowledge workers.” Participants will gain a better understanding of how different training strategies will affect multiple generations of these “knowledge workers.”

Henry F. Garcia is an experienced university instructor and a veteran trainer in project management and purchasing/supply management. Prior to founding Asentrene, a minority-owned training and consulting firm, Henry had over 35 years of business experience. He has been teaching procurement and acquisitions management courses for Webster University since 1980, and is a member of Webster’s Academic Academy of Excellence. He is a Past-President of National Purchasing Institute. He also is a Past President of the Alamo Chapter of the Project Management Institute and the San Antonio Chapter of the Institute for Supply Management. In addition, he is a Past President of the San Antonio Business and Economic Society. Henry received his BA in Psychology and MA in Economics from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas. His professional affiliations include the Project Management Institute, Inc., Institute for Supply Management, Inc., National Association of Business Economists, Inc., and American Society for Training and Development, Inc.

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Association for Talent Development - San Antonio Chapter

PO Box 690327, San Antonio, TX 78269

ATD-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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