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Suited for Success - Mock Interviews

  • Tue, March 06, 2018
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • SAMMinistries
  • 0


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This Week: Mock Interviews!

This is everyone's favorite week! We will be hosting Mock Interview sessions with each participant. You will meet 1-on-1 to interview a participant for a 10-12 minute interview, followed by a feedback session. You interview between 1 and 3 participants. You are provided with common interview questions or feel free to use your own!


What is Suited for Success? Suited for Success is a community service project of ATD-SA that aims to prepare residents in transitional housing with the tools to become gainfully employed. It is a 10-week program taught 4 times each year. Each of the 10 weeks has a different topic centered around job searching, career development, and professionalism.

What can I help with? Most volunteers start with providing resume assistance during week 7 or conducting a mock interview during week 9. You may also  volunteer to teach or co-teach a lesson. All lesson plans are prepared in advance by ATD-SA. Before teaching, we will invite you to observe as many sessions as you wish. 

For more information, please email Kay Williams Community@TDSanAntonio.org or Tracey Contreras Membership@TDSanAntonio.org

Association for Talent Development - San Antonio Chapter

PO Box 690327, San Antonio, TX 78269

ATD-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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